Personalised Dog Care Services


Meet Stephanie

Hi, I’m Stephanie - dog obsessed founder of All About Dogs.

I have owned dogs my whole adult life and they have always been a very important part of my life if not the most important part of my life, possibly until my kids came along at least! I am passionate about my dogs being as involved in my  everyday life as possible. This means not having to lock my dog away because people are visiting.

Opening my  front door without fear of the dog running out. Probably the greatest problem I have faced is walking my dog without being pulled around like a rag doll. I want to recognise these are real everyday problems for many loving dog owners and I want to help. I honestly didn't even realize that I could ask for help with these problems, I thought this was my dog, my home, my problem. 

Our Mission

All About Dogs comes from a place of understanding, that while there is nothing like the love we receive from our beloved pets, owning a dog comes with great responsibilities and often requires a lot of work.

In our busy lives we sometimes struggle to do enough to fulfill all of our furry family member’s needs. Sometimes it is a little more difficult owning a dog than we first imagined when we decided to get a dog. We all had a vision of what walking our dogs would be like - calm, enjoyable, rewarding and perhaps even therapeutic.

Making Life Easier For Everyone - Dogs & Humans

Our dogs can sometimes find it difficult to walk on a lead. They can struggle to pass other dogs, have difficulty walking past the local grooming parlor or simply get reactive because of the dogs barking behind the neighbours’ gate. That’s when it's all getting a bit much for the owner. It's my job to make life easier for everyone and make sure those dogs are happy and healthy.

What we do

We would all like our dogs to be home alone less and our doggy day-care option is perfect for your dog because there are always humans and dogs around to play with and everything is fully supervised. Would you like your dog to spend time with other humans and dogs so that they become better socialised and equipped to deal with any situation? And we are the experts at making your dog more active and healthy too.

Our services include Adventure Walks, Structured Pack Walk, Solo Walks & Dog Owner Training Sessions and we operate in a wide area of Westmeath including Kinnegad and Killucan.

Call or email and I can answer any questions you have.