Personalised Dog Care Services


Our Traditional Dog Services

Dog Walking Services

Adventure Walks - €15 for 60-90 mins

These are dog pack walks for up to 6 dogs, where we go to adventurous locations such as local forests, canals or bogs. The aim of these walks is for lots of doggy socialisation with plenty of stimuli and a long walking line for freedom - all under the professional supervision and experience of All About Dogs.

Structured Pack Walk - €25 for 60-90 mins 

This walk is for a maximum of two dogs at one time. In this walk each dog has a little more structured work to do. They are required to do some loose lead practise and some basic obedience work along the way. There are also plenty of time for sniffing and relaxation on this walk too. 

Solo Walk - €20 for 60 mins 

This is the walk for dogs that may struggle with lead walking or meeting other dogs. These dogs may not be ready for mixing with other dogs or people just yet and they need a little one to one encouragement to build up their confidence. This walk is also excellent for dogs that need some one to one time after dealing with some trauma, perhaps a dog fight, abandonment, general anxiety or a previous bad experience.

Training The Owner - €40 for 60-90 mins

This is a one to one walk with the dog and it's owner. This session is designed to help owners to communicate in a way that their beloved pet can understand. If we can communicate clearly what exactly we are asking from our dog then we have a real chance of receiving that and achieving our dog-human relationship goals. Our dogs want to please us - they want to be the good boy and good girl - but it is very difficult for them if they cannot understand what we are asking of them.

I like to help the owners with methods of communication with their dog, explanations as to why your dog may not be understanding what you ask of them. Above all, I want to help dog and owner strengthen their relationship and the bond between dog and owner should be rewarding for both and I can show you how to become best of friends with your dog. 

Call or email if you have any questions and I'll gladly go through everything with you.

As I am usually with these adorable dogs all day, please whatsapp, message or email me rather than calling as I will more than likely have my hands full with leads and accessories, but I can type a reply message on the smartphone on the go, as they come in.